Love cycles Az that is. I had the opportunity this past week to head down to Arizona and hang out with Jeremiah Armenta, King of Love Cycles and all that is cool in the world of vintage 70's choppers. What a great time! He, His wife Mona and kids put me up for 4 days. I got the grand tour of phoenix (well some of it) and hung out at the shop learning all sorts of shit man. Jeremiah tore down the top end of my motor while I got to watch, I got a schooling in the use of a Tig, and recieved a cinimatography lesson in the finer films such as Werewolves on Wheels and Hells Angels 69.
Miah then lent me his car to run down to Havasu to visit my folks.
Such a great time, great shop, great owner, go there if ya can